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A Conversation with: Booking Assistant Pamela Amezaga

October 31 , 2023

Pamela, a 32-year-old music enthusiast of Latina heritage from El Paso, TX, has successfully transformed her passion for music and her work ethic into a thriving career. Residing in Austin, TX, She currently holds the Booking Assistant position at Livenation Scoremore.

Pamela initially joined Live Nation in 2021 as a full-time Staff Accountant.

Give us a brief job description and what does a day to day basis look like, is it always challenging?

I am currently transitioning out of Finance and into Booking Assistant, so for the moment there is still some Accounting training and training I am going through. I am redlining contracts, reaching out to venues for holds, and working closely with Booking Directors.

Were you always passionate about music?

Yes, my parents go to concerts often and they were the first ones to take me to a concert, Pepe Aguilar. I think I was 9 years old. My brother and I are 7 years apart and I remember him going to Coachella and me counting down the years until I would be able to experience a music festival. Before getting into the industry I would attend festivals and concerts on a regular basis. Being at a music event is one of my favorite feelings in the world.

Do you have a college degree?

Yes, I have a Communications degree in Organizational and Corporate Communication, Public Relations.

Did you always know this is what you wanted to be?

No, I always loved music but it took me awhile to realize that I could make a career out of my passion. It was at my hometown festival in 2015, NDMF that I became more curious about the logistics and behind the scenes. Even now that I am in it, I don't know exactly where I want to end up. All the positions I have ended up in this industry I would have never imagined to be a part of.

Who introduced you to this role or did you discover on your own?

Booking assistant was introduced to me by our Scoremore Booking Team. I admired the relationships they built with the agents, artists, and venues and it really interested me.

Are there any other job opportunities that grab your attention?

Since we are on the promoting side of things working on the artists side or at a venue would interest me to fully understand the industry as a whole.

Do you feel as if you have any disadvantages in your career choice?

Not disadvantages in my career choice but this is a male dominated industry and if you aren't comfortable with that it may be a little intimidating.

Do you have any words to inspire the next person that would love to do what you do?

Show up and stay consistent. A lot of the opportunities I have been given was due to me showing up and making it obvious that I was available, interested, and grateful for the opportunity. Networking is important. No matter how small or big a job is, building relationships and staying in touch with people in the field can go a long way. I have been referred to so many opportunities from people I have met at other events. Also, if I could change one thing it would be to get involved in the music scene earlier if I could.


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